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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Christ
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1 "Jesus Christ never met an unimportant person." M. C. Cleveland Living Quotations for Christians (Sherwood Eliot Wirt and Kersten Beckstrom, editors)

2 "He will come to restore man's faith in the Father's love, in the fact of the livingness of the Christ and in the close, subjective and unbreakable relationship of all men everywhere. The facilities of the entire world of contact and relation will be at His disposal; that will be part of the uniqueness of His opportunity." The Reappearance of the Christ (Alice A. Bailey)

3 "The person who listens to Christ fills himself with light; and if he imitates Christ, he reclaims himself." St. Thalassios the Libyan, 'Third Century' The Philokalia, volume 2 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain)

4 "The Christ Presence contains all of the active qualities attuned to the heart of Divine Love, Divine Purity, and Divine Unselfishness striving within the heart of humanity." The Kingdom of the Shining Ones (Flower A. Newhouse)

5 "In every feature Christ's life is a prototype of individuation." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

6 "The story of Christ is not only an account of a historical man but also a figurative representation of the path that each of us must follow to attain liberation." Inner Christianity, A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition (Richard Smoley)

7 "Jesus the Christ appears as the messenger of the peace and wholeness within. (Another name associated with Christ is Emmanuel, 'God within'). The image of Christ is, therefore, the archetype of the transpersonal and whole-making aspects of the psyche." Journey Into Consciousness: The Chakras, Tantra and Jungian Psychology (Charles Breaux)

8 "It is to this God in agony [Christ crucified] that those broken in heart, body and spirit can say, 'You understand. You know how it feels. I will trust You." The Light of Love (Patricia Devlin)

9 "Jesus said, My Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Gospel of Nicodemus, ch. 7, v. 4 The Lost Books of The Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden (various)

10 "Christians, and those who simply admire Christ's teachings, are fortunate to have such a personal example of love to follow. Each one of us is capable of this commitment." The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale)

11 "The Incarnation is of effect for each and all, in every time and place, because as an historical and local event it is the projection into time and space of an eternal and universal reality. It occurs not only at a distance of two thousand years in Palestine, but within all human nature, all human beings, past, present, and future." Behold the Spirit, A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion (Alan Watts)

12 "God, Jesus insisted, embraces all who desire Him, and even, in a mysterious way, those who do not. Regardless of nationality, race, gender, impolite or socially unacceptable subgroup or physical or moral wholeness, everyone is the target of God's favor. Grace (that which binds us, at the core of our being, to God Eternal) is radically inclusive and entirely gratuitous: it cannot be subjected to the narrow parochialism of a country, a religious institution, a pious contingent." The Hidden Jesus: A New Life (Donald Spoto, Ph. D.)

13 "Christ is our representative. He exemplifies what we are all capable of…. Indeed, St. Anthenasius (c. 196-373) went so far as to state that God became man so that man might become God." Living Christianity (Martin Palmer)

14 "Jesus said, 'Take heed of the Living One." The Gospel of Thomas (2nd century Gnostic text) The Other Bible (Willis Barnstone, editor)

15 “The voice of Jesus is, verily, the voice of the eternal being. Through Him is expressed the call of the infinite to the finite, the call of the cosmic being to the individual, the call of God to man. His divine voice is the same, therefore, as the voice of the Vedas and Upanishads, the voice of the Koran, the Zendavesta, Dharmapada and all such scriptures of the great religions of the world.” Janet Bock, ‘The Jesus Mystery’ Lives of the Masters: The Rest of the Jesus Story (Glen Sanderfur)

16 "In the whole process which from first to last activates and directs the elements of the universe, everything forms a single whole. And we begin to see more distinctly the great sun of Christ the King, of Christ amictus mundo, of the universal Christ, rising over our interior world." The Divine Milieu (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

17 "Christ appeared not as a philosopher or wordy doctor, or noisy deputer, or even as a wise and learned scribe, but he talked with people in complete simplicity, showing them the way of truth in the way he lived." Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), Italian mystic The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

18 "Jesus' mission was to demonstrate to every soul on earth how to reunite with the Holy Christ Self. Jesus was the example of what we can become. He wanted all of us to walk our own path of personal Christhood." Understanding Yourself: A Spiritual Approach to Self-Discovery and Soul-Awareness (Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

19 "In the lesson of His own life, Jesus gave humanity the magnificent purpose and the single objective toward which we all ought to aspire. I believe that He belongs not solely to Christianity, but to the entire world, to all lands and races." Mahatma Gandhi Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda)

20 "Again and again, Christ, in his teachings and by his example, made it clear that the only authentic sign of spiritual wisdom is a progress in the kind of ego-annihilating humility that longs to express itself in the ever-greater and richer service of all beings." Teachings of the Christian Mystics (Andrew Harvey, Editor)

21 "In its deepest meaning, the good news of the Gospel is that union with God is a free and universal gift and that the consciousness of it is presented to us in the Eternal Now – in short, that the love of God is generous beyond comprehension." Behold the Spirit, A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion (Alan Watts)

22 "What we see in Jesus tells us more about the heart of the universe than anything else. Regardless of what we see on the surface of life, however absurd, ridiculous, shallow, superficial, or mundane, at the bottom of it all we discover what Christ looks like, sounds like, is." Earthy Mysticism: Contemplation and the Life of Passionate Presence (William McNamara)

23 "When we look into and touch deeply the life and teaching of Jesus, we can penetrate the reality of God. Love, understanding, courage, and acceptance are expressions of the life of Jesus." Living Buddha, Living Christ (Thich Nhat Hanh)

24 "It is the love revealed to us in Christ that breaks our heart open and teaches us to listen. Our learning to love as Christ has loved us breaks down the barriers that close us off from ourselves, God, and others." Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of God (James Finley)

25 "The Christ in me salutes the Christ in you. The Christ in me understands the Christ in you." Drawing the Larger Circle, How to Love and Be Loved (Jack and Cornelia Addington)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite