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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 “The Holy Spirit manifests liberty, for he is love.” Christopher Ulrich Hahn, ‘Geschichte der Ketzer im Mittelalter’ Aurora Consurgens (Marie Louise vonFranz)

2 "Free will is the power of relishing the divine good which intellect makes known to it." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327) The Soul Afire, Revelations of the Mystics (H. A. Reinhold, editor)

3 "You are…a world in yourself, a microcosm, who has the image and likeness of God in your very being because you have a mind to know and a will to do. You're free." Theodore M. Hesburgh, priest, author, social activist, 'Making a Difference' A Parliament of Souls, In Search of Global Spirituality (Michael Tobias, Jane Morrison, Bettina Gray, editors)

4 "Developed in one's own unique way by each individual who undertakes to do so, the thinking capacity can become reliable intuition, allowing one to find the motivation for what one 'must' do and to choose it freely. In such choices, individuality and cognition unite to produce freedom, freely undertaken actions that are both fully individual and socially constructive." Gertrude Reif Hughes, Introduction Intuitive Thinking As A Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom (Rudolf Steiner)

5 "Freedom is inherent in our very nature." Theological Investigations, Volume VII (Karl Rahner)

6 "Freewill resides in Manas [Mind], being the representative of Mahat, the Universal Mind." The Astral Body (Arthur E. Powell)

7 "The image of God is the process of divinity itself, and that is a process of growth, of nourishment, of wisdom, light and love. It is the process of life unfolding itself into greater levels of freedom and knowing and expression." The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation (The Findhorn Community)

8 "Free? Understand that well, it is the deep commandment, dimmer or clearer, of our whole being, to be free." Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), Scottish historian The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

9 "The Sovereign Ruler created all intelligent nature free and self-determining." St. Gregory Palamas, 'Topics of Natural and Theological Science' The Philokalia, volume 4 (various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios)

10 "When we truly understand that no one can make us think or feel anything unless we give them permission, we begin to understand the vastness of our freedom. No person or circumstance has the power to change that truth." Worldwide Laws of Life: 200 Eternal Spiritual Principles (John Marks Templeton)

11 "Man is created with free will and is master over his acts." Catechism of the Catholic Church (Various)

12 "When God fashioned us, He created us in His image with Free Will." Visions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory (Bob & Penny Lord)

13 "The freedom of the individual might be defined as the preparedness to be formed by his own eidos, his inner image of wholeness which exists a priori in him. The more the individual becomes sensitive and receptive to his inner image, the more he becomes whole and 'healed'." Gerhard Adler (B. 1904), English Jungian analyst, 'Studies in Analytical Psychology' The Choice Is Always Ours (Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor)

14 "The individual who becomes aware of his true standard of what is Good finds himself free." The Transforming Mind (Laurence and Phoebe Bendit)

15 "By no other way than through cognitive free will could humans come to inner freedom and true individuality." The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituality (Richard Leviton)

16 "Man is free, for he is in the image of divine liberty; and that is why he has the power to choose." Paul Evdokimov, Russian Orthodox theologian The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

17 "Freedom is not absence of restraint and limitation but a particular, imaginative way of responding to these limitations, or using them to discover and invent." Return of the Goddess (Edward C. Whitmont, MD)

18 "As one goes further and further on the path of truth, the freedom becomes greater at every step." Hazrat Inayat Khan, Omega Institute Newsletter, 1985 Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions (Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.)

19 "The essence of life and God and love and YOU is freedom!" What God Wants (Neale Donald Walsch)

20 "Those who learn the truth about their own nature become free." The Ancient Wisdom (Annie Besant)

21 "The freedom of the human spirit, the freedom to think, govern and worship as innate, instinctual human desire may dictate, under the influence of the evolutionary process, the liberty to decide on the required form of government or of religion – these are the rightful prerogatives of mankind." The Rays and The Initiations (Alice A. Bailey)

22 "The Soul is a way along which God travels to His freedom from His deepest point." Hadewych, 13th century Beguine Mysticism, Its History and Challenge (Bruno Borchert)

23 "Evolution is holy. There we have the truth that makes us free." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

24 "It is only in love that freedom is perfect." Covenant of the Heart, Meditations of a Christian Hermeticist on the Mysteries of Tradition (Valentin Tomberg)

25 "Evolution, by the very mechanism of its syntheses, is constantly acquiring greater freedom." Building the Earth (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite