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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Religions
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1 "In their core and depth we do not encounter many different religions so much as one experience that is expressed variously and with great diversity and color flowing in the name of different traditions and cultures." One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from World Faiths (Matthew Fox)

2 "Down the ages, great and divine Representatives of God embody divine purpose, and affect the entire world in such a manner that Their names and Their influence are known and felt thousands of years after They no longer walk among men. Again and again, They have come and have left a changed world and some new world religion behind Them; we know also that prophecy and faith have ever held out to mankind the promise of Their coming again among us in an hour of need. These statements are statements of fact, historically proven." The Reappearance of the Christ (Alice A. Bailey)

3 "The fact is that with the knowledge and actual experience of these inner images [archetypes] a way is opened for reason and feeling to gain access to those other images which the teachings of religion offer to mankind." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

4 "God is beyond any particular cultural manifestation, yet can dress within the context of any religious tradition, thus helping each one of us on the path of self-realization." Riding With the Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianity (Kyriacos C. Markides)

5 "Through the ages, saints and sages of all religions have proclaimed that the human soul is unbounded and eternal. However different in outer expression, all religions have their source in this fundamental belief." Oneness: Great Principles Shared By All Religions (Jeffrey Moses)

6 "Even as a tree has a single trunk, but many branches and leaves, so there is one true and perfect Religion, but it becomes many, as it passes through the human medium….True knowledge of religion breaks down the barriers between faith and faith." The Essential Gay Mystics (Andrew Harvey, Editor)

7 "The history of religion in its widest sense (including therefore mythology, folklore, and primitive psychology) is a treasure-house of archetypal forms from which [we] can draw helpful parallels and enlightening comparisons for the purpose of calming and clarifying a consciusness that is all at sea." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

8 "It is undeniable that the theologies of all the great nations dovetail together and show that each is a part of one stupendous whole." Isis Unveiled (Helena P. Blavatsky)

9 "Think of the enlightened ones as having earned the equivalent of an advanced degree. Their descriptions of communion with the Infinite are so remarkably similar, despite their differences in language, culture and religious context, that they can be considered as reliable as repeated observations in science." Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide (Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.)

10 "The human world, particularly as understood in the inspiring philosophy and ideals of a sacred tradition, is essentially about 'lifting up'. As all life draws up to the light, so is the human psyche attracted to the elevating principles which act as constant regenerators to the forms and beings of our world." Keith Critchlow, 'What Is Sacred in Architecture?" Homage to Pythagoras, Rediscovering Sacred Science (Christopher Bamford, editor)

11 "The manifold religious practices and beliefs which, from the earliest times, have played such an enormous role in history cannot be traced back to the whimsical fancies and opinions of individuals, but owe their existence far more to the influence of unconscious powers which we cannot neglect without disturbing the psychic balance." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

12 "Oneness of the universe is more fundamental than its diversity, so what is most widespread and most expresses unity among the spiritual and philosophical traditions of the Earth is most true." Theosophy, A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages (Robert Ellwood)

13 "Within the most fundamental aspects of the world which is affected by the presence of religion, a holy feminine presence will be heard as a gentle but important voice." Nostradamus Nostradamus: Prophecies for Women (Manuela Dunn Muscetti & Peter Lorie)

14 "What is required is a meeting of the different religious traditions at the deepest level of their experience of God." Christ in India: Essays Towards a Hindu-Christian Dialogue (Bede Griffiths)

15 "This experience of nowness can join together the vastness of primordial wisdom with both the wisdom of past traditions and the realities of contemporary life. So in that way, you begin to see how the world of sacredness can be created altogether." Shambhala (Chogyam Trungpa)

16 "All great spiritual beings are just the pure emanation of that one soul we all share, the one we call the One." Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker's Journey (Stephen Levine)

17 "Man has, everywhere and always, spontaneously developed religious forms of expression, and the human psyche from time immemorial has been shot through with religious feelings and ideas." Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Carl Jung)

18 "Freedom of religion is a tenet of the law and of the Lord that allows for agreement in disagreement, whereby the children of God agree to disagree in love, in respect, and in honor for the many rays of the Son Consciousness that lead to the one path of the ineffable light." The Human Aura (Kuthumi and Djwal Kul)

19 "Whether they are Syrian, Greek, Egyptian or Hindu, the writers of the sacred books seem to me as men who had all gazed upon the same august vision and reported of the same divinity." George W. Russell (1867-1935), Irish author, 'The Candle of Vision' Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (Cranston/Head, editors)

20 "Repeat, repeat, repeat the wisdom of the ages, until it has melted into your subconscious." Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Neale Donald Walsch)

21 “Think of religion as the universal adoration of creative principles common to all humanity.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

22 "The most important of the fundamental instincts [is] the religious instinct for wholeness." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

23 "There is one, absolute, transcendent truth, which is manifested differently in the different forms of religion. This 'transcendent unity' of religion has been compared to a white light, which is broken up into different and apparently contrasting colours, but which remains identical under all its forms. Or it can be said that all religions are different paths to the same goal; they all converge on the infinite, transcendent mystery in which their true meaning is to be found." C. G. Jung: Letters, 1906-1950 (Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors)

24 "We need the courage as well as the inclination to consult, and profit from, the wisdom traditions of mankind." E. F. Schumacher The Quotable Spirit (Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors)

25 "The saints and sages of ancient times are beings who for thousands of years have stimulated and educated humanity." The Secret of the Golden Flower (Richard Wilhelm, translator)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite